
产品命名在商业竞争中起着重要作用。一个企业的商号需要有一个好的名称,因为好名字是企业的巨大财富。一个好的名字应该易记、易懂、上口、国际通行、引起联想和与众不同。将企业名称和商标名称合二为一可以降低成本,并在广告宣传上起到双重效果。商号、店号也是一种丰富有趣的民俗文化现象,但商号的雷同需要引起注意和尽量避免。商号是企业间相互区别的特定标志,但很遗憾的是,我国企业名称雷同的现象越来越多。一些企业不是通过自己的努力来树立声誉和知名度,而是套用已经有名的企业商号,导致消费者产生误解。一个企业的商号不仅仅是企业的标记和符号,还代表了企业的信誉和实力。一些沿海城市的企业纷纷弃用旧的商号启用新的商号。一个知名度高的企业,名称本身就具有高的含金量。传统的地点加名称加产品类别的命名方法正在逐步更新。在产品命名时,企业可以采用以下技巧:易记顺口,名符其实,忌讳雷同,入境随俗,富有个性,艺术含蓄。 Product naming plays an important role in business competition. A company's brand name needs to have a good name because a good name is a huge asset for a company. A good name should be easy to remember, easy to understand, catchy, internationally recognized, evoke associations, and be unique. Combining the company's name and trademark can reduce costs and achieve dual effects in advertising. Brand names and shop names are also interesting cultural phenomena, but there needs to be attention to and efforts to avoid similarity in brand names. Brand names are specific symbols used for differentiation between companies, but unfortunately, there is an increasing trend of identical company names in China. Some companies are not relying on their own efforts to establish reputation and visibility, but instead imitate well-known brand names, causing confusion among consumers. A company's brand name not only serves as a symbol and sign, but also represents its reputation and strength. Some coastal cities have been replacing old brand names with new ones. A well-known company's name itself already holds great value. The traditional naming method of combining location, name, and product category is gradually being updated. When naming products, companies can use the following techniques: easy to remember and catchy, accurate description, avoid similarity, adapt to local culture, demonstrate uniqueness, and convey artistic charm.